Violaine de Pourtalès is a French and Swiss Furniture and Interior Architect based in Paris. After her Bachelor in Furniture and Product Design at Parsons in New York, she obtained her Master in Interior Architecture at Domus in Milan. In 2015, after working for many years at Christie’s, India Mahdavi and Luis Laplace, she created Pourtalès Design.

Pourtalès Design is recognized for its knowledge in modern and contemporary art as well as for its knowledge in classical textile design. Pourtalès Design creates interiors that can emphasize the art-works while bringing warmth with colours and rich fabrics. She works in French, Italian and English.

From Pourtalès & Cie to Pourtalès Design :

Violaine de Pourtalès’ ancestor Jérémie de Pourtalès, created in 1722 a fine linen fabrics establishment “Pourtalès Simmons & Co” based in London and a printed textile company “Pourtalès & Cie” based in Bourgoin, near Lyon. Today these printed textiles can be found at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York amongst other places.

In 1753, his son, chevalier Jacques-Louis de Pourtalès, “le roi des négociants” expended “Pourtalès & Cie” to become so important that fairs would not start without him.

In 1838, his son, count James-Alexandre de Pourtalès-Gorgier, built the Hôtel Pourtalès, 7 rue Tronchet in Paris, and built an exceptional collection of art with sculptures and paintings that can be seen in the permanent collection of the Louvre, the British Museum in London, the National Gallery of New York...


Countess Violaine de Pourtalès is inspired by her ancestors to create unique interiors with unique textiles and custom-made furniture. Pourtalès Design creates interiors that has a soul with for example enhancing a client’s piece of furniture that has meaning to them.


Office: 46 rue de Laborde, 75008, Paris


Tel: +33 (0) 9 81 94 52 94

Instagram: pourtalesdesign 

S.A.S.U. au capital social de 15.000 euros immatriculée au R.C.S. de Paris

SIREN n° 848 510 343